Tag Archives: “Drug Money for Terrorism”

Michigan: Feds bust six Muslims running drug ring on Dearborn border

Shayn Roby’s Take:  Mohamed Faraj, 29, and his brother, Fouad Faraj, 43, were among the six, as was their brother, Abed Faraj, 38, of Detroit. Adnan Bazzi, 28, of Dearborn also was in the group.
The indictment accuses the three brothers of being the ringleaders of a group that distributed marijuana and prescription pills in the 6800 block of Rutherford Street. It’s the first block south of Warren Avenue and four blocks west of Greenfield Road, which is the Detroit-Dearborn boundary.

(H/T: Creeping Sharia and Joe Slezak/Press and Guide of Dearborn, Michigan)