Monthly Archives: February 2015

Courageous Dawn Millberger Able to Forgive Her Rapist and Feel God’s Peace

Dawn Millberger, survivor of both abortion and a brutal rape has an incredible amount of Christ’s love to spread as she was able to forgive the man that violated her with calloused cruelty. With this journey to biblical freedom through biblical forgiveness, Dawn has redirected her outreach, Gotcha Ministries of Central Texas (GMOCT). Initially, Dawn focused on providing education and transformation through pro-life talks. Now, however, Dawn told Life News that her mission is first to spread the gospel, and her pro-life work has come to greater fruition with her rearrangement of priorities, putting God first.


(H/T: Steven Ertelt/ Twitter)


Lauren Enriquez/ Life News

12 Year Old Lia Gave One of the Best Pro-Life Arguments EVER: Grown Up Now, Continues Defending Unborn

Although this speech took place in February of 2009, God certainly blessed then twelve year old Lia with an ability to articulate her thoughts in an incredibly complex manner to audiences at the young age of twelve.  Her pro-life speech below will blow you away.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by Lia Mills

Kimberley Mills wrote on Lia’s You Tube Channel  on February 3, 2009, “My daughter prepared and delivered this speech for her grade 7 class. Even those who didn’t agree with her loved it.”

According to Viral Vita,at first Lia’s pro-choice teacher told her that she was disqualified from the school’s speech competition because her topic was too controversial. But then she HEARD the speech and was so blown away she changed her mind. Lia went on to WIN the competition! And no wonder. Lia is more articulate than 98% of the people I know. If you agree, share her speech!

Lia Mills has blossomed into a beautiful young woman since 2009, and continues to stand up for justice for millions of unborn children who don’t have a voice to defend themselves against the butchers at the abortion clinic.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by Lia Mills

Lia is full of energy and is still passionate about saving the lives of the unborn.  She has vowed to work on several initiatives during February and plans to release a book sometime in April of 2015.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by Lia Mills

It  is apparent that Lia is still having a huge impact on fighting for the plight of the unborn.  She is truly focused on what God has in store for her, as she publicly lets people know that He is still working by giving brave women the strength to fight for their children.

Not only is Lia vigilante in defending the rights of the unborn, but she is also passionate about defending the lives of the elderly and mentally ill in the battle against the legality of euthanasia. She recently posted via Twitter about her disappointment in the decision allowing assisted suicide by the Supreme Court in Canada.

(H/T: Young Conservatives/ Twitter)


Lia Mills Channel/ You Tube

Lia Mills/ Facebook

Joshua Riddle/ Young Conservatives

Lia Mills/ Twitter

Viral Vita

John Jalsevac/ LifeSite News

Shayn Roby: Kids Need Jesus – The Real Side With Joe Messina

Maxwell Marion Morton shot his football teammate. No one can be inside the head of Maxwell to know why he did what he did, but it’s a safe bet that if he had a close relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, he most likely would have found a more fruitful way of dealing with whatever it was that caused him to end the life of another human being.

Read the entire Story at The Real Side

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes have been helping kids find Jesus  for the last sixty years. It’s for that reason that it’s important that every high school in the nation have an active chapter, so that student athletes can learn to live a Christ centered life at an early age.

(H/T: Roby’s Right Corner)

‘The other empty chair’: Vice President Biden traveling abroad, will miss Netanyahu address

Shayn Roby’s Take: The snubbing of Benjamin Netanyahu by Back Obama and Joe Biden should be taken seriously. Such actions indicate that neither are men who respect the one and only God, YHWH, whose Son died for our sins. Psalm 122 verse 6 of the Holy Bible tells us, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you.” Also, the book of Genesis says of Israel in chapter 12 and verse 3, “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

‘We aren’t all idiots’: White House gets economics lesson after tweet touting deficit reduction

Shayn Roby’s Take: It’s apparent that commingling the words “deficit”, and “debt” is an attempt to deceive. However, most people don’t fall for the rhetoric. Unfortunately, the low information voter that usually votes for Democrats will swallow Obama’s intentional attempt to mislead people hook, line, and sinker.