Category Archives: Black Lives Matter

Milwaukee Latest Venue of Expression for BLM Thugs

It’s happened again.  It’s like watching the movie Groundhog Day.  First, a criminal thug (this time it’s 23 year-old Syville K Smith in Milwaukee) who happens to be a person of color does something illegal.  Secondly, the known felon defies police orders.  Third, the non-compliant blight on society gets killed for his defiant stupidity.   Fourth, the population in the local area burns down area businesses, using the incident as just another excuse to commit some more crimes (as if they needed an excuse to loot and steal, anyway as Twitter made us aware on Sunday,

August 14, 2016.”

Such repeated unrest is just another episode in an organized effort by the same old left wing players to create enough racial tension to make sure that Democrats have a better chance to continue doing what they do:   Run organized crime from the inside of government.

Not very much about this rioting case will be broadcast on the news.  It doesn’t fit the narrative of white cop shoots innocent black man that is sought by the political left.  The policeman in this case who is believed to have shot Syville Smith happens to be a black man as well, according to The Daily Mail.

(H/T: Warner Todd Huston/ Breitbart)


@Holbornlolz/ Twitter

Rosenblatt and Edwards/ Daily Mail