Category Archives: Nature’s Creatures

A Red Menace

Shayn Roby’s Take: These deadly predators can be a threat to pets, humans, and livestock.  Even more so than the Obama administration, fire ants can appropriately be referred to as “the red scare”.

The Dish

Justin Nobel offers a glimpse into the threat posed by fire ants:

Today, if you draw a line from Virginia Beach to Nashville to Abilene in west Texas, you’ll find dish_antsfire ants everywhere below it, as well as in Southern California. The ants’ annual impact on the economy, environment, and quality of life in the United States totals $6 billion, according to entomologists at Texas A&M University. In Texas alone they rack up $1.2 billion each year: $47 million at golf courses; $64 million at cemeteries (the ants love the open and slightly overgrown habitat around tombs); and as much as $255 million in the cattle industry. They cause other problems too. In Virginia Beach, 30-year-old former marine Bradley Johnson was stung by fire ants while working outside—and died of anaphylactic shock. On at least one occasion, fire ants invaded an elementary school in Tennessee to get candy stashed in…

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