Monthly Archives: June 2013

Ted Nugent: Stop Gun Trafficking by Arresting Eric Holder

On a CNN broadcast segment with Erin Burnett, Ted Nugent gets Ms. Burnett to say that she agrees that we should prevent gun trafficking, but then says she does not support arresting Attorney General Eric Holder, even though he illegally trafficked guns during Operation Fast and Furious.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by Les Grossman

(H/T: Barricuda Brigade)

Busted: Prosecution Witness “Can’t Read Cursive”

In a letter that she supposedly wrote, prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel was trying to read from what she said was a letter she sent to Trayvon Martin’s mother describing the last few moments of his (Trayvon’s)  life, which she (Jeantel)claimed she heard on the phone. But she stumbled badly, ABC reported.  Ms. Jeantel couldn’t read anything on the letter she claimed to write — except for her name.

(H/T:  Cheryl K. Chumley/ The Washington Times)

Egypt: Main Muslim Brotherhood Headquarters on Fire

The main Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Cairo, Egypt is on fire.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by CNN Egypt

Gehad El-Haddad, spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood reported via Twitter that as of yet, four hours into national coverage that there was no police presence on site.

(H/T: Weasel Zippers, Rocky on Twitter)

Syrian Rebels Behead Catholic Priest

According to Barricuda Brigade, Syrian terrorists have beheaded a Catholic priest who they accused of collaborating with the Assad regime.  View video (Warning: Graphic)  uploaded to

(H/T:  Conservative Chick on Twitter)

Vol Fans Should Get to See Creative Play Calling

If this play from the University of Cincinnati playbook is any indication, University of Tennessee football fans will be in for a treat with new head coach Butch Jones calling the plays.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by Fifth Quarter CFB

Despite severe persecution, a Historic Christian Revival is taking place in Iran!

Shayn Roby’s Take:  Jesus is revealing himself to people in Iran and all over the world through dreams and visions, just as he did to Saul on the road to Damascus. The Son of God is real, and is coming back soon to celebrate the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.


5543-iran_220w_tnAs many in the West call for military action against the nation of Iran, Joel Richardson claims an unparalleled, historical Christian revival is sweeping through the ancient land of Persia with both speed and intensity.

Joel claims, daily stories of miracles, supernatural encounters, transformed lives, and baptisms, are reported on a magnificent scale. More Iranians have come to Christ in the past 30 years than in the prior 1400 years combined! The 2013 Operation World prayer manual lists the growth of Christianity in Iran as leading the entire worldwith approx. 20% annual growth. This means that believers in Jesus Christ in Iran is doubling every four years. Imagine the changes to the region if this revival continues!

It is extremely difficult to send Christian missionaries into Iran. Since 1979, Christian missionary organizations have been banned by the Islamic government. Iranian Christians face increasingly severe political and religious persecution…

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