Category Archives: RINOS: Even More Disgusting than Liberals

A Walking Republican Moonbat – Ann Coulter Pontificates The Most Ridiculous Argument Against Chris McDaniel Supporters…

Shayn Roby’s Take: Considering that Ann Coulter didn’t seem to think that Barack Obama should be concerned with the Gaza Strip Flotilla named the “Audacity of Hope” when the editor of asked her personally at her “Demonic” book signing at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California, the writer of this article will have to side with Sundance, and say that Ms. Coulter can not really be considered to be in the corner of true conservatives anymore. She must be seen as firmly in the RINO camp.

‘Truly stunned’: Eric Cantor getting clobbered in Virginia; Dave Brat shows early lead; Update: Brat takes it

Shayn Roby’s Take: It looks like the political blowhards who wanted to say that the Tea Party is dead are going to have to deal with those who love liberty after all. Eric Cantor is getting clobbered in his Virginia primary race with Dave Brat. Roll conservative wave, roll.

Glenn Beck Says It’s Time to Defund the GOP

In a private meeting held among Republican Senators last week,  minority leader Mitch McConnell and another RINO who has yet to be named, insinuated that conservative patriots Ted Cruz and Mike Lee were traitors (another similar word used) to the Republican party.  Senators Cruz and Lee have stood solid with House Republicans who have refused to submit an unrestricted continuing resolution until concessions are made regarding the implementation of Obamacare (sometimes inaccurately referred to as the Affordable Care Act).    On this morning’s radio program, host Glenn Beck courageously said that it’s time to defund the Republican party.  The editor of agrees wholeheartedly.  RINO sellouts like Mitch McConnell, Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham need to be ousted from office.

(H/T:  Erica Ritz/ The Blaze)


The Republicans Who Voted To Fund Obamacare On 9/27/13 – The Twenty-Five “Decepticons”

Shayn Roby’s Take: Although the editor of presently resides in California, he will certainly do his best to make sure that both Senators from his native Tennessee face opponents in Republican primaries. The Beat Lamar movement that is gathering steam at is a great place to start gathering to oust both RINO Senators representing the state of Tennessee in the United States Senate.  The REAL Conservative national committee makes it real clear what they want and what they DON’T want in the THIS not THAT You Tube video also posted at  The heroic twenty one hour speech given by Ted Cruz underscores the fact that grassroots conservatism is what America needs, NOT the lukewarm and incompetent cowardice of the RINOs.


Dennis Miller: Is there a worse face of the GOP than Karl Rove?

Dennis Miller: Is there a worse face of the GOP than Karl Rove?.  Karl Rove attacks true Conservatives that don’t fit the agenda of the ‘establishment’ Republicans, more commonly known as RINOs.  He also is a supporter of Planned Parenthood.  He quite possibly is more evil and dangerous than the vilest liberal one can think of, because of his stealthiness.

(H/T:  Twitchy)

Karl Rove, 100+ GOP Donors Send Letter to Republicans Urging Immigration Reform


Rove the RINO

Karl Rove is a fair weather conservative at best, and is guilty of ensuring that Planned Parenthood has received funding.

Image Credit:

Karl Rove, 100+ GOP Donors Send Letter to Republicans Urging Immigration Reform.  Karl Rove is to be trusted even less than Barack Obama, which puts him in league with Benedict Arnold.  Mr. Rove favors selling the United States out and making it more like Mexico.  He also is a supporter of the agenda of Planned Parenthood (actions speak louder than words) , one of Barack Obama’s and  Lucifer’s favorite (so-called non profit) organizations.

(H/T:  Tony Lee/Breitbart and Steven Ertelt/

What We Need: The REAL Conservative National Committee

What We Need: The REAL Conservative National Committee.  Michelle Malkin, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Dr. Ben Carson, Ben Shapiro, and Mia Love are examples of what we need.  John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Piers Morgan, and Peggy Noonan are all examples of what we DO NOT need.

(H/T:  The Real Conservative National Committee, CNS News, Breitbart)

What We Need: The REAL Conservative National Committee

The Real Conservative National Committee represents what true conservatism really is, and gives a few examples in a video that they uploaded to You Tube.  The mission of the RCNC is to help conservative candidates win Republican primary elections against incumbent RINOs, and help conservative Republicans win general elections against Democrats.  The Real Conservative Natioal Committee may also endorse Republican candidates nominated by the party to run in the general election.

(H/T: Beat Lamar, Fox News, CNS News)

Lindsey Graham Likely to Face Tea Party Backed Primary Challengers

Lindsey Graham Likely to Face Several Primary Challengers.   Dustin Stockton, a leading conservative activist and head of Western PAC, told The Daily Beast that he is headed to South Carolina next month to help build a ground game for the 2014 primary.  It is time for Conservatives to step up and rid the Republican Party of the resident RINOs that are contributing to the Marxist rot in America.  Lindsey Graham must go, as well as Lamar Alexander, and anyone else who supports selling America out to illegal immigrants.  America’s sovereignty is not for sale.

This article has been updated 7/29/13

(H/T:  Breitbart , and The Daily Beast)