Category Archives: Boston Marathon Tragedy

Googling “Pressure Cooker” and “Back Packs” at Work Resulted in a Visit From Federal Agents

According to Mary Katharine Ham at,Suffolk County Criminal Intelligence Detectives received a tip from a Bay Shore based computer company regarding suspicious computer searches conducted by a recently released employee. The former employee’s computer searches took place on this employee’s workplace computer. On that computer, the employee searched the terms “pressure cooker bombs” and “backpacks.”

Home searched in Suffolk County, New York after man Googled "Backpack" and "Pressure Cooker"

Googling “Backpack” and “Pressure Cooker” at work had some unsettling consequences.

Image Credit:  AP

After interviewing the company representatives, Suffolk County Police Detectives visited the subject’s home to ask about the suspicious internet searches. The incident was investigated by Suffolk County Police Department’s Criminal Intelligence Detectives and was determined to be non-criminal in nature.

Read the entire story at

(H/P:  Mary Katharine Ham/Hot Air and Philip Bump/ The Atlantic Wire)

Boston bombing suspect on cover of Rolling Stone; sparks controversy

Shayn Roby’s Take: It is absolutely disgusting that this sorry excuse for humanity made the cover of the Rolling Stone. It really speaks for the reputation of their publication. Birds of a feather, flock together.

Accused Boston Marathon Bomber to Make First Court Appearance

Shayn Roby’s Take: If we truly wanted to stop these Islamic terrorists from being martyrs for Islamic jihad, we would publicly execute Mr. Tsarnaev by cutting him up into tiny pieces, then making him a permanent part of a can of Hormel. That’s right, mix him up so he’s part of a ham sandwich.

CNN Political Ticker

Dick Cheney defended the NSA surveillance program, but said Barack Obama had”zero credibility.It is the opinion of that while President Obama lacks credibility, the NSA program can hardly be taken seriously when there is a refusal to check inside the most obvious places that harbor terrorists: Within mosques and the Muslim communities.

The Left’s Sick Fetish for Cop-Killing Radicals – Michelle Malkin

The left loves terrorists, Exhibit A:Barack Obama fundraiser, leftist college professor, and unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.

After blaming ‘homegrown anarchists’ for bombing, Geraldo Rivera calls blame game ‘tired’

It is quite obvious that Geraldo is not the least bit interested in the truth. The truth is that the Tsarnaev family are and were terrorists living in America as Obama freeloaders with Massachusetts welfare, while building a bomb to kill innocent Americans.

Breaking: Boston PD reports 3 more suspects in custody in marathon bombing case; Reports: 3 college students arrested for ‘aiding the bombing suspects after the fact’ | Twitchy