Category Archives: IRS Scandal

Aaron Klein Interviews NSA Whistleblower William Binney: NSA Shared Info on Citizens with IRS

Aaron Klein, in an interview with former NSA Whistleblower William Binney on 870 AM Radio in New York City, may have helped uncover the link between the IRS Scandal and the NSA Scandals that have violated the rights of American political conservatives.

(H/T:  Greg Campbell/ Tea Party News Network and Roby’s Right Corner)

Issa: ‘We’ll probably never know’ what happened to Lerner’s hard drive

Shayn Roby’s Take: Lois Lerner exercised her Fifth Amendment rights and declined to answer any questions that may have been asked of her by Congress. Her emails now have been “lost”. She should be charged with Obstruction of Justice and serve jail time when convicted.

Smidgen Alert ! IRS Lois Lerner Sent DOJ Eric Holder A Massive (and Illegal) Database Listing Of Tax Exempt Groups In October of 2012…

Shayn Roby’s Take: The more that investigations of the activities of the Obama Administration proceed, it is becoming apparent that they have engaged in massive cover-up and lawlessness to the degree that it might even be accurate to say that they have substantially dwarfed the unlawful secrecy and criminality engaged in by the Nixon administration.

Congressman Trey Gowdy Exposes Obama’s Failure to Scrutinize IRS Targeting of Conservatives

Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina directly questioned President Barack Obama’s assertion that ‘not a smidgen’ of corruption or criminality occurred during the already established targeting of conservatives that took place by the Internal Revenue Service.

CSpan Video Uploaded to You Tube by Scott Davis

Gowdy, with the authority and shrewdness of an experienced prosecutor asked, “How can a sitting President prejudge an ongoing investigation?  From giving responsibility of the investigation to an Obama donor, to failing to interview any of the targeted victims, what part of this whole affair is not corrupt?

(H/T:  Caroline Schaeffer/ Independent Journal Review and Tim Rascoe/Facebook)

When It Comes to Gun Control: Obama Regime Deems Right to Privacy Unimportant

It is amazing that liberals, who claim to be concerned about “rights to privacy” when it comes to the right to chop unborn babies to bits, don’t make a sound as the government slowly erodes their right to medical privacy and their right to bear arms away from them.  According to Weasel Zippers, the Obama Administration has proposed new executive actions on gun background checks. One proposal from Vice President Biden’s office, according to Fox News  would formally give permission to states to submit “the limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands,” without having to worry about the privacy provisions in a law known as HIPAA.  This is indeed a slippery slope that America is traveling down.  HIPAA is being disregarded.   According to the Associated Press via The Grio, the  proposed rule change would give hospitals and other entities covered by patient privacy provisions more flexibility in the information they provide to the background check system.   This is indeed a slippery slope that America is traveling down.  HIPAA is being disregarded.  Furthermore, now the IRS has access to the healthcare insurance and medical data of millions of Americans. (Granted, it is unclear how much information the IRS will have in regard to one’s medical records, but given the recent actions of targeting of conservatives by the IRS, ANY INFORMATION in their hands is cause for concern.)

(H/T:  AP, Weasel Zippers, Fox News, Washington Times,

UNFAIR: EXPOSING THE IRS reveals truth about Cover-ups and Abuses of Power at Internal Revenue Service

UNFAIR: EXPOSING THE IRS is a feature-length documentary revealing the truth about the cover-ups and the abuses of power at the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS is a blatantly dishonest entity which is unable to be reformed, and must be abolished.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by UnfairTheMovie

The film will reveal the truth about the abuses of power, the cover ups, and expose the IRS as a blatantly unfair and corrupt entity which is unable to be reformed and therefore must be abolished.  Contributions to the nationwide bus tour for UnFair may be made at


IRS Official Cindy Thomas Illegally Releases Confidential Applications to Left-Leaning Group: Receives Promotion

Sharon Light, a senior Internal Revenue Service official who until recently served as an adviser to embattled official Lois Lerner is leaving the agency, according to an IRS agent with knowledge of the situation.  Light will be replaced by Cindy Thomas, a 35-year IRS veteran who ran the Exempt Organizations office in Cincinnati throughout the 2-year period that conservative groups were targeted.  In effect, Thomas is being promoted even though she was involved in violating the civil rights of Conservative Americans.National Review Online reported that in November of last year, she signed off on the illegal release to the left-leaning ProPublica, of nine pending, confidential applications for tax exemption filed by conservative groups. One of those organizations, the Colorado-based Citizens Awareness Project, yesterday filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS over the release of its application.


IRS Wrongdoer Cindy Thomas Just Received a Promotion

IRS Chart shows that Cindy Thomas was directly responsible to Holly O. Paz. Paz in turn was directly responsible to Lois G. Lerner. Lerner in turn was directly responsible to Joseph H. Grant and Sarah Hall Ingram.

(H/T:  Eliana Johnson/ National Review Online)


Issa: Lew Obstructing IRS Investigation

Issa: Lew Obstructing IRS Investigation.  If all of these scandals were “phony”, the Obama administration would comply with requests to prove their innocence.  In typical sloppy, slap a fake birth certificate online fashion, Muslim Barry and his no-conscience goons keep obstructing justice with comical clumsiness without batting an eyelash.

(H/T: Breitbart)

Investigation reveals IRS still badgering conservatives

Shayn Roby’s Take: The tyrannical reach of the Obama administration knows no restraint nor bounds. It is time for impeachment. The IRS scandal is pure Chicago thuggery and extends all the way to the top, as do several other scandals under the watch of Barack Hussein Obama, one of which he used Executive Privilege, in essence linking him to the whole affair.

U.S. Constitutional Free Press

As Congress investigates the Internal Revenue Service for targeting and badgering conservative groups seeking tax-status designations, and even attacking conservative groups that already had their status letters, Americans can be confident such activity has halted, right?


A new report from the Thomas More Society reveals that the organization has submitted additional information to U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., who is on the House Committee on Ways and Means, detailing continuing targeting by the IRS.

The organization’s report, updated Thursday, explains its first legal memorandum was submitted on May 16, 2013, reporting “salient details of several legal cases handled by Thomas More Society which indicate that the harassment of ‘conservative’ non-profit organizations by the Internal Revenue Service … extends will beyond ‘tea party’ and ‘patriot’ groups and includes ‘pro-life’ or ‘anti-abortion’ groups…”

“Since the IRS scandal became public, Thomas More Society has been contacted by numerous other groups seeking legal…

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Investigation reveals IRS still badgering conservatives

Investigation reveals IRS still badgering conservatives.  The tyrannical conduct of the Obama administration knows no bounds.  “Despite claims to the contrary, the IRS continues to target and harass pro-life and conservative charities, illegally questioning their religious activities and withholding their tax exemptions,” said Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel of the Thomas More Society. “We have now produced irrefutable evidence of six clients whose First Amendment rights were trampled upon by the IRS because of their position upholding the sanctity of life. Even after public disclosure of this wrongdoing, the Obama administration’s IRS has refused to cease its illegal activity. We will continue to aid Congress in its investigation until those responsible are brought to justice and the IRS is made to respect every American’s constitutional rights.”

(H/T:  WND and US Constitutional Free Press)