Category Archives: Liberal Zombies

Vitriolic Left Must Bear Some Blame for Alexandria, VA Shooting

In the days preceding the mass assassination attempt on Republican legislators that has left Representative Stephen Scalise fighting for his life, much left wing vitriol and rhetoric toward conservatives could be observed throughout left wing media outlets and within “entertainment venues”.  As John Zmirak at The Stream pointed out, “the attack happened scant days after New York City’s elite Shakespeare in the Park mounted a production of Julius Caesar that lip-smackingly dramatized the murder of President Trump”.   It comes with very little surprise to the casual observer that even in the aftermath of the Alexandria, VA shooting, that liberal media giant Time Warner continues to back the production that CNN’s staunch liberal media hack Fareed Zakaria refers to as “a masterpiece”.

Not to be outdone by the leftist exploits of the Communist News Network, Jesse Benn at the Huffington Post has been defending the actions of gunman via Twitter. He has remained unrepentant throughout criticism of his rhetoric.

For the record, the writer of this article, who also happens to be the editor at Roby’s Right Corner, just contacted Mr. Benn via Twitter.  He has yet to respond.  This article will be updated if he does.

It’s truly sad and alarming that many members of the left wing media refuse to back off from their rhetoric after it’s apparent that it has resulted in violence.  In the case of Jesse Benn, it appears that he actually wanted that result, which means that if people like him remain unchecked, violence on a much larger scale is sure to come.

Update:  Response from Jesse Benn


Editor’s Note:  This article was also published at

(H/T: John Zmirak and Al Perrotta/ The Stream)


John Nolte/ The Daily Wire

Ronna Romney McDaniel , Jesse Benn, and Fareed Zakaria/ Twitter

Scum Defends Scalise Shooter/ Roby’s Right Corner

‘Food writer’ attacks Dana Loesch, ends up with egg on his face

Shayn Roby’s Take: Almost anytime a riot takes place, it involves a crowd of liberals. Liberals despise Mrs. Loesch because she shreds their pathetic arguments with ease. Who could blame her for canceling an event that did not provide security?   Almost any psycho that commits violence comes from the left side of the aisle. She is wise and justified in protecting herself.

State assemblyman declines luncheon with Mexican president to protest Tahmooressi captivity

Shayn Roby’s Take: Although hardcore leftists will just say that Assemblyman Donnelly was merely engaging in political posturing, the truth is that inviting the president of a nation that has imprisoned an American soldier to dine on United States soil is treasonous behavior. Such behavior by California Governor Jerry Brown is not surprising however, given that the top federal official of his party refuses to enforce the integrity of the American border with Mexico and to protect the sovereignty and Constitution of the United States of America.

Suspected Teen Burglars Shot Dead Inside Home By Residents « CBS Sacramento

According to TV-13 CBS Sacramento , two suspected teen burglars were shot dead inside the home by the residents during a break-in in Sacramento.  According to the Patriot via  Roby’s Right Corner, in a bizarro world like twist, the family of one of the victims is contemplating a lawsuit against the homeowner.

(H/T:  The Patriot)

New Hampshire Father Arrested for Asserting First Amendment Right at School Board Meeting

New Hampshire attorney William Baer discovered that his daughter’s teacher had assigned her to read a pornographic novel. When Mr. Baer went to the Gilford, New Hampshire School Board meeting, and voiced his opinion out of turn, he was promptly escorted out of the room and arrested.  Video of the school board meeting was captured by WMUR-TV 9 in New Hampshire

in which the video shows that Mr. Baer was arrested for a minimal amount of disruption.  Given the vulgarity of the book, and the obvious breach of trust by the school officials, it would appear that the arrest of William Baer is a bit on the tyrannical side.

(H/T:  EAG-News and Jason Dewitt/Top Right News)

What Retirement? Barbara Walters Nabs Exclusive with Donald Sterling Girlfriend

Shayn Roby’s Take: Vanessa Stiviano loses all credibility when she says that she was Donald Sterling’s “personal assistant”. We all know what part of his anatomy she was being paid to assist.

UNBELIEVABLE yet PREDICTABLE – During Malaysia Joint Press Conference NBC’s Chuck Todd Asks President Obama For Statement On LA Clippers Owner Racial Comment Controversy

Shayn Roby’s Take: It’s a tough call on which is the most perplexing: a) the racial bigotry of Clippers owner Donald Sterling, or b) the fact that Chuck Todd of NBC News felt that this was the most pressing question that he could ask of Barack Obama.

FLASHBACK: DEMOCRATS PUSHED FOR IRAQ WAR and said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) (video)

Shayn Roby’s Take: Democratic Sheeple consistently criticize George W. Bush for the War in Iraq, even though there was bi-partisan Congressional support for military intervention, AND that the CLINTON administration started the discussion in 1998. Of course, just as libs hurl charges at conservatives as being racist and look past the fact that members of THEIR OWN party founded the Ku Klux Klan, the libs wear their hypocrisy badge with pride, because the party of hypocrisy is WHO THEY ARE.


In 1998, years before George W. Bush (43) became president, Democrats said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Statements from Democrats: President Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Howard Dean, and Sandy Berger.

In 2002 and 2003, Democrats continue their assertion that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and went around the nation promoting the removal of Saddam Hussein. Statements from Democrats: Nancy Pelosi, Jay Rockefeller, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Evan Bayth.

In 1992, Al Gore explained Saddam Hussein’s crimes while trying to blame George H.W. Bush (41) for ignoring Iraq’s ties to terrorists and disregarding Iraq’s attempts to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

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Obamacare Navigators Helping People Enroll At Mexican Consulates

Yes, it’s true, Obamacare navigators are helping people enroll at Mexican Consulates according to Patriot Update

“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition– and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition– and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition– and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

“Whether they’re Mexican nationals or whether they’re United States citizens or whether they’re in transition– and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all of America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

Whether they are Mexican Nationals or United States citizens,  or if they’re in transition, -and if they’re there it is our responsibility within all America to educate on the Affordable Care Act,” Enroll America Field Organizer Jose Medrano told Breitbart News on Wednesday.

Promoting Obamacare at a Mexican consulate raises three major policy concerns,” Stephen Miller, a spokesman for top immigration hawk Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News.

One, the possibility that illegal immigrants could fraudulently access federal subsidies; two, that such promotions provide a financial inducement to unlawfully enter the U.S. (or overstay a visa) by offering households headed by illegal immigrants federal subsidies through their legal relatives or dependents; and three, that these activities widen an existing flaw in our legal admissions process by continuing to subvert the principle that those seeking to lawfully enter the US should be financially self-sufficient,” Miller said.

Read the entire story at

This is not the first time that the Obama Administration has encouraged the families of illegal aliens to request the assistance of the United States government.     Caroline May of The Daily Caller reported in July of 2012 that the United States Department of Agriculture is purposefully targeting illegal immigrants to apply for the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program through the use of novelas in Spanish (No, they are not doing the same thing in English, surprise, surprise!!)   It’s apparent that the Obama Administration is following through in trying to bolster the number of voters in the Democratic Party by encouraging illegal aliens to cross the border northward and receive goodies from the American government.  Liberals understand that an illegal alien is nothing more than an “unregistered Democrat”.  They have no regard for the sovereignty of our nation and are willing to sacrifice that in order to maintain political power, no matter how devastating such a policy is to the survival of our nation. 

(H/T:  Patriot Update)