Category Archives: Tragic Event

Spiritual Warfare in America

Last week, civil rights activist Heather Heyer was killed during a protest pertaining to the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia, and alleged assailant James Fields, Jr. was linked to known racial hate group American Vanguard.  Media outlets immediately jumped on the bandwagon and began using the terms “alt-right” , “white nationalists”, “right wing hate group” and “neo-Nazi” , even though at the time, the abstract for American Vanguard’s website from a routine Google engine search, stated that American Vanguard is opposed to capitalism.  Anyone willing to be intellectually honest would conclude that an anti-capitalist group would be more ideologically similar to the Democratic party than it would the Republican party, as socialism lines up more with the principles of liberals than it does those of conservatives.   Knowledge that American Vanguard opposed capitalism, coupled with the historical facts that the Nazis were the National Socialist Party of Germany, and that the many media pundits have used the coy slight of hand practice of equating “nationalists”  (anti-globalists or populists, see Brexit)  with “white nationalists”, point to the very distinct possibility that liberal (or perhaps more accurately, globalist) politicians and their left wing minions in the media are once again engaging in manipulation of the facts.  They are attempting to gloss over actual facts about the history of the Democratic Party and racism, just as it consistently ignores the fact that it was this party that founded the Ku Klux Klan, that terrorized blacks and Republicans who tried to protect them in the days after the Civil War, and also during the Jim Crow era.

Although the left wing media has ignored the repeated acts of violence by groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa against police and conservatives, and tried to spin the events in Charlottesville as anything other than a tragic killing that occurred in a dispute between different groups of  socialist thugs filled with racial hatred:  American Vanguard, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa, a clear picture of the actual heart and soul of the Democratic party has shown through as comments by Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle Nadal brought the dishonest “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” agenda of tying so-called racial hatred to

conservatives full circle (as some twisted left wing Missouri constituents even mentioned Ferguson on social media) , as she revealed her contempt for Republican President Donald Trump by posting a comment on social media site Twitter that stated, that she hoped that our current Commander-in-Chief would be assassinated.  To be fair, some lawmakers, even on the Democrat side of the aisle at the local and national level have called on Nadal to resign, though she has adamantly refused to even consider the possibility of resigning her Missouri State Senate seat.  Chappalle-Nadal has been unrepentant even to the point of indirectly accusing Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri of “white privilege” by “re-tweeting” a social media post on Twitter of a constituent that makes a reference to a “certain US Senator with white privilege”.

The callous, and yes, even racist attitudes displayed by Maria Chappelle Nadal are characteristic of the race-card playing element that is present in factions of the Democratic party, who will resort to tactics that are racially divisive, while at the same time trying to falsely project that same attitude on to their political opponents.  It’s characteristic of an un-Godly party of deception that peddles the lie that killing thousands of unborn children every day (most of them children of color) is somehow an acceptable alternative to giving birth to God’s precious gift of life.  Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal is a known advocate for Planned Parenthood.  Indeed her actions are indicative of her character, or lack thereof.  Spiritual warfare is indeed taking place in our nation, and there’s no doubt that Senator Nadal falls in line with the party of death and deception, and has no problem with doing whatever it takes to take out one of the primary opponents of an organization that she is beholden to:  Planned Parenthood. “You will know a tree by its fruit.”


(H/T: Steven Maikoski/ Facebook)


Charlottesville/ Roby’s Right Corner

Mosbergen and Campbell/ Huffington Post

Ryan W. Miller/ USA Today

Rich Lowry/ Politico

Stephy Maria Chappelle-Nadal, and ChuckModi / Twitter

Suntrup and Erickson/ St. Louis Post-Dispatch

#ShameOnSchaefer/ Planned Parenthood Action

Matthew 7: 15-20/ The Holy Bible- NKJV/ Bible Gateway

David Schrieberg/ Forbes

Patrick Buchanan/ WND

Robert W. Merry/ The National Interest via WND

Latest Elliot Rodger meme: ‘He didn’t need sex; he needed a psychiatrist.’

Shayn Roby’s Take: Both Larry Elder, and believe it or not, Michael Moore had sound takes on this tragedy. Mark it down, the editor of actually agreed with Michael Moore about something today.

Children hurt when wind blows bounce house off ground

Parents in Albany, New York are baffled and worried about the welfare of their children after two young boys were hurt when the wind blew a bounce house off the ground ,and more than twenty feet up into the air.

Video Uploaded to You Tube by New StationNation

(H/T: Bob Isbell/Facebook and WKRN/TV2-Nashville)