Category Archives: Corruption in Education

Centinela Valley School Board: Lots of Explaining to Do

In a scandal reminiscent of the public employee salary SNAFU that went down in the small city of Bell, California,  KCAL-9 TV in Los Angeles reported that the parents and community members in Lawndale, California were livid inside an emergency meeting on Tuesday night.

Centinela Valley Union High School District Jose Fernandez, who oversees the Centinela Valley Union High School District in Lawndale, Calif., reportedly earned $663,000 in 2013, while several rooms in the district at each of the three schools still do not  have air conditioning as verified by the editor of, who occasionally works as a substitute teacher within the district, and has witnessed these conditions personally.

The editor of this publication, believes in each individual acquiring the maximum salary possible, whenever possible, when that compensation is obtained in an ethical manner.  In this case, public funds have been irresponsibly allocated, and agrees with the rhetoric voiced by one angry parent, who said at the meeting, “All of you board members should step down.  I’m giving my wife everything.  I’m sleeping with her.  Who are YOU sleeping with?”

(H/T:  Becket Adams/The Blaze)