Category Archives: Racists; Southern Democrats

Clown Dresses As Obama At MO State Fair, Democrats Cry “Racism®” | RedState

Clown Dresses As Obama At MO State Fair, Democrats Cry “Racism®” | RedState.  In typical race baiting liberal form, accusations of racism spewed out of the vitriolic mouths of zombie Democrats after a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair donned a Barack Obama mask.  The editor of KMOX St. Louis, Justin Wingerter just couldn’t overcome the barrier of a low intellectual capacity that fuels the liberal tendency toward the impulse to play the race card.

A Klan rally?  Really Justin?  First of all, a Klan Rally would mean that lots of Democrats were present.  The Ku Klux Klan, in the days right after the end of the Civil War and during the Jim Crow days, rarely had any Republican members.  Once again, history for Democrats, as creator of the environmental fiction film Al Gore might coin it, is an ‘Inconvenient Truth’.

(H/T: Dana Loesch/ Red via Twitter)

Sorry Libs… The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats, Not the Other Way Around

Sorry Libs… The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats, Not the Other Way Around.

Jim Hoft and Ann Coulter shed light on the historical FACT that liberals hate, the perpetrators of atrocities in the South during the Jim Crow days were DEMOCRATS, not Republicans.