Category Archives: Allah is Lucifer

Islamic Militants Burn Dozens of Churches in Nigeria

The war against Christianity continues as Islamic jihadists are attacking Christians and churches.  More than a dozen churches have been burned to the ground by Muslim terrorists recently.  The violence has continued as more than seven hundred fify churches were burned in June of 2014, according to Sharia Unvelled.

(H/T: Franklin Graham/ Facebook)


George Okoje & Benjamin Isaiah/ Sharia Unvelied

Yes, it is Islam!

Shayn Roby’s Take: As Walid Shoebat tells us, Allah and Lucifer are the exact same spiritual entity. The Charlie Hebdo related massacres spring from a source of pure evil. The Quran itself tells us that there is no greater deceiver than Allah. That’s because he is Satan, the King of Lies.


Even though there is sufficient evidence to infer that Islam is at the core of evil itself, as their worship of Allah/ Lucifer would dictate, Chancellor Merkel of Germany insists on appeasing Muslims. Perhaps it is because German heads of state and Muslims have something in common: an extreme hatred of the Jewish people.

‘What moral leadership looks like’: Benjamin Netanyahu lambastes UN ‘Terrorist Rights Council’

Shayn Roby’s Take: The United Nations continually supports the Hamas terrorists and tries to demonize Israel as it is in a never-ending struggle to defend itself from a barrage of rockets, often launched from territory that the Jewish state has previously ceded to the Palestinians. It is an impossible task for the Israelis to negotiate with a people, who want all Jews to be removed from the planet.

Pakistan Girl Burned Alive for Rejecting Marriage Proposal

Shayn Roby’s Take: “Honor Killings” are the most recent examples of the “peaceful religion” known as Islam. Such vicious and unconscionable acts are a flashing neon sign that Allah and Lucifer are one and the same spiritual entity.

Taliban Rising

Shayn Roby’s Take: It has been the longstanding policy of the United States government to never negotiate with terrorists. That policy is obviously no longer intact. It stands to reason that America’s enemies will now be emboldened to commit more acts of terror as it’s quite clear that they can now get a payoff for their efforts.

Iraq: Muslims Stop Christians From Selling Homes, Kill Real Estate Agents For Doing Business With Them

Shayn Roby’s Take: Once again, the ‘peaceful’ religion of Islam is on display, front and center.

MidnightWatcher's Blogspot

Revelation 13:16-18,“And it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to bemarked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate [ψηφίζω – “reckon”] the number[ἀριθμός – “multitude” of people] of the beast, for it is the number [ἀριθμός – “multitude” of people] of a man, and his number [ἀριθμός – “multitude” of people] is [χξς – “In The Name of Allah” in Arabic].”

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Waking Up To Islam

Shayn Roby’s Take:   Just yesterday, the editor of referred to liberal union members in the United States as “useful idiots” because they support the Communist/ Islamic/ Satanic agenda of the Democrat/ Progressive/ Liberal Party in America.