Category Archives: The Myth of Manmade Global Warming

2012 Climate Change Report From NOAA Reveals Rising Seas, Snow Melt And More Warming

July 4, 2013 was the coolest temperature on record for the ‘canary in the coal mine’ known as the North Pole. No wonder the global warming fools have started talking about ‘climate change’ instead of global warming. It’s a way to keep up with the practice of robbing America blind. When the data doesn’t back up your reason for highway robbery, just keep up the same practice, but change the name of the cause. Now it’s ‘climate change’ and not ‘global warming’. That’s how progressives/liberals/Communists operate, just change the language and proceed with controlling the population.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

2012 Climate Change Report From NOAA Reveals Rising Seas, Snow Melt And More Warming

Here’s some science for you…….Carbon dioxide and Water use the sun’s energy to make Sugar and to give off oxygen. Carbon dioxide and water must combine to make glucose molecules that store the energy of the sun in the form of paired electrons that hold individual atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen together. I favor greenhouse gases, because I like food. Anyone who doesn’t like carbon dioxide is an anti-food demonizer. There you go libs. Go chew on that one for a while.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost