Monthly Archives: January 2017

Turkey Likely Key Player in End Times Scenario

As Turkish influence in the Islamic world is definitely on the upswing, Middle East expert Walid Shoebat looks for American President Donald Trump to watch the moves of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan very closely.  Although Turkey is a member of NATO, it’s readily apparent its standing in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation makes the nation a potential enemy to American interests.

President Trump will no doubt keep a very close eye on Turkish activities in Syria, Iraq, and with the Kurdistan Regional Government.  The establishment of a government in the Kurdish region of Iraq is a significant event, because according to biblical prophecy, the Kurds (Medes) will not rise with the Iranians (Persians) with Russia against Israel, and according to the 13th Chapter of Isaiah will be raised up by God to bring about the destruction of Iraq (Babylon).


Photo Credit:  Flash Traffic Blog

It makes sense that the Kurds in Northern Iraq, who now have their own government, flag, and army would indeed relish and opportunity to lash out at Saddam Hussein’s attempted genocide against them, and the many other attempted genocides carried out against the Kurds by Sunnis and Shi’ites in centuries past.

Much speculation abounds, whether true or not, that perhaps Turkey might give rise to the anti-Christ as a leader in the revival of the Ottoman Empire.  (President Erdogan looks like a pretty good candidate.)  Even a writer at The Huffington Post is alerted to the dictatorial tendencies of Erdogan, and have made a reference to his goal of forming an Islamic Caliphate.

No man knows the day nor the hour, but world events point to a table that is set up in a manner that is consistent with the battle of all battles that is prophesied to come at Mount Megiddo in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Revelation.

(H/T:  Walid Shoebat/


Turkey Pulse/ Al-Monitor

Prime Ministers KRG & Turkey/ Cabinet.Gov.KRG

Holy Bible, Isaiah Chapter 13/ Bible Gateway

Iraq Now Splitting Into Three Nations — Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled!/ The Cutting Edge

What is the Battle of Armageddon?/ Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Turkey As The Antichrist Nation Seven Scriptural Proofs/ Stichting Vrienden van lsraël

Christos Terzides/ Huffington Post