Tag Archives: “Obama Propaganda”

Newtown Mother Delivers Obama’s Weekly Address Instead: Don’t Let ‘Our Tragedy’ Become ‘Your Tragedy’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Madeleine Morgenstern’s article highlights the presedential address given by Francine Wheeler whose son was killed in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT. She said that “thousands” had died at the end of a gun since that day. If indeed that is true (which is doubtful), take that number and triple it to account for deaths that DID NOT take place because a potential criminal realized that the potential victim had a firearm and reconsidered perpetration of the act for that particular moment, choosing to wait for a better opportunity against an UNARMED victim in a supposedly gun free zone. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/13/newtown-mother-gives-obamas-weekly-address-dont-let-our-tragedy-become-your-tragedy/