Student Punished for Feeding a Homeless Child

Shayn Roby’s Take:  The editor of applauds the actions of the child that got into trouble for helping another human being out with some food. However, the 800 pound gorilla in the room still must be dealt with. The seventeen year old was in the country illegally. It’s not RACIST to expect that our border security should be honored and respected. The student should not be punished by the school. However, the seventeen-year old homeless illegal alien should be sent back to his home country, along with all others who violate immigration law. We are a nation of laws. Those who want to be a part of it need to follow the laws and come here the right way. That’s not BACKWARD. That is protecting the sovereignty of our nation from those who would seek to make the United States into a Third World nation that resembles the one that they just came from.


1378492717797I am not one to be quick about throwing down the race card, because frankly I feel that it’s pulled out just a little too much these days.  But there are times when it’s just blatantly obvious and for that reason among many others I am putting Horry County Schools in South Carolina on BLAST.  One student has been suspended while another is being sought on criminal charges and why?  Because one child is homeless, also not a student; and the other spent his lunch break feeding him out of the same car that he was allowing him to live in.  The name of the good Samaritan student has been withheld, but I find it very discriminatory that the name of “criminal” in this case is Santos and has been smeared all through the media even though he is still a minor and no consent has been given.  It has…

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42 thoughts on “Student Punished for Feeding a Homeless Child

  1. raisinemreal

    Kandice Moore’s take: For anyone to ever think that one life is more important than another, no matter how sovereign the nation you live in, is clear evidence of the death of humanity. I’m sure this attitude is not what the founding fathers of this country had in mind when they fled feudalism to create an independent and free land for all to enjoy. But taking into account slavery and all that occurred in the century afterward, it’s apparent that the sick mentality of oppression still has yet to be eliminated. The wall that you build to keep others out is the wall that will keep you from being a part of the world. THE WORLD CRAIG. God forbid the dollar tank tomorrow and Americans have to ask for help from our neighbors to the north and the south. Attitudes like your Shayn, will not be forgotten.
    Now on to that 800 pound gorilla in the room. No matter how you feel about illegal immigrants (aliens are from outer space), this is a child. He was probably brought here through extreme conditions when he was much younger, with no control over the situation whatsoever. Are you saying he should be punished for that? Are you saying that his parents who wanted a better life for their children the same as you would, deserve to have their child dropped off in a land now foreign to them? Perhaps before you decide the fate of this child you should attempt to walk a mile in his shoes. Perhaps you feel that you are too good and privileged to experience such poverty first hand, you know, being a sovereign American and all. When you would suggest sending a child into a life a disadvantage because you feel they don’t belong in your world, it’s time that you admit, your world sucks. Nothing in this life lasts forever. The high horse that you sit upon today could break a leg tomorrow. Be careful of the karma you lay out before you, but more important fix your “give a damn”, I think it’s busted. If you accept them and teach them, I’m sure they will develop the same pride that you have in this country. But if you make them feel lower than you…that’s exactly how they’re going to act.


    1. Shayn Roby Post author

      Shayn Roby says:
      September 7, 2013 at 1:25 am

      No one said one life is more important than another. However, that OTHER LIFE as you called it, is here without a legal right to be here. That’s the law. The number of people out of the labor force in the United States just hit NINETY MILLION, the most in history, up almost TEN MILLION from 2008. That means there is not adequate opportunity for employing those who are not here legally. Regardless of why or how they got here, or whose fault it was, it’s time to go home. The American government is operating at a deficit of more than one trillion per year. It has to stop. Foreign aid, welfare, and selling out America to third world status in not an option. Speaking of shoes…….the last time I helped carry a load to the Tarahumara Indians in the Chihuahua Mountains in Mexico, the 500 pair that we carried with us were gone within 30 minutes. Most had never owned a pair, and it was zero degree weather. It’s OK to go down and help them if you like, which I have done. It’s NOT OK, to allow the ruin of our nation because poverty exists. Employing an American over a foreigner while in America, is THE RIGHT THING TO DO. American citizenship has value and meaning. Michelle Malkin’s parents came to America the right way. She has been able to reach countless goals and dreams. To give those who cut line a jump ahead of those who waited their turn is insulting to those who played by the rules. I feel someone like you, RaisinEmReal, should be the one who has to stand in front of the those who played by the rules and waited their turn, to explain why it’s OK to give amnesty to the lawbreakers. My guess is you might not like what happens to you. However, whatever cursing, dirty look or even beating that you received from them would be well deserved. Liberal naivete’ is a disease. It’s quite obvious that you have caught the virus that causes it.


      1. Shayn Roby Post author

        raisinemreal says:
        September 7, 2013 at 2:18 am

        Didn’t read this post before I saw the other one. And I can almost agree with you. Almost. I don’t see these people and jumping ahead of others in line. If you take a close look at the political process for citizenship, you will see that some can’t afford to wait. While you complain about those Jumping in Line to come here and work, you are not mentioning the many that sit on their ass every day doing nothing. I don’t see citizens jumping at the opportunity clean the houses of the rich or pick the vegetables from our farms. We have fast food worker going on strike, when most of the illegals are willing to do the work for half the pay. We can’t point a finger at these people for wanting to make a living when we sit and complain about living that we already make. They are not turning our country into a third world status, we aren’t giving them the fair chance to conform to our culture, nor are we properly educating them when they get here. And since we are mincing definitions, they are not called Indians. They are called Natives. Indians are from India.


    2. Shayn Roby Post author

      My ‘give a damn’ is not busted. Actually, yours is. You don’t care about America. There’s no way you could. If you did, you would be CONSERVATIVE. You wouldn’t be part of a party that refused to make God a part of their platform. Dance and wiggle around it all you like, it won’t change the fact that you are in bed with the political coalition of Lucifer. Don’t you have an abortion rally in Austin to go to?


      1. raisinemreal

        Shayn, I have just one response to your hatred of illegal immigrants. What would Jesus Do? It seems that it is not I who has been corrupted by Lucifer here. Do you think Jesus would take up your campaign as you have to “send them packing” as so many countries have done the Jews for centuries? And you have nerve enough to call me a communist. Frankly, the fact that you don’t even care for life that is already here makes you a hypocrite for pointing a finger at anyone that considers abortion. Shayn, you have about as many contradictions as that bible you carry.


      2. Shayn Roby Post author

        I have no hatred of illegal immigrants. Requiring them to follow federal law is not hatred. Why do you hate people who want their rights of citizenship to be upheld so much? I think Jesus would want those folks to breaking the law to follow it.


    3. Shayn Roby Post author

      BTW, your Klan comment was vile. Just so you get your history straight….those Klansmen in the South were Democrats. It’s obvious you fall for the falsehoods of the Democratic/ Communist Party. It’s not your fault that you don’t know history. We’ll blame the members of the Communist teacher’s union that helped indoctrinate you. I haven’t seen you on any pro-life websites, so do you REALLY care about children? Probably not so much. If you do, how do you handle voting for people that support abortion? I can’t wait to hear your absolutely brilliant and insightful answer that will be forthcoming.


      1. Shayn Roby Post author

        You said that I just wanted to fight because you were a liberal. What, now your lack of memory extends to our conversation as well. You remember what you say about as well as you remember history. You make a fine liberal. Selective memory fits the hypocritical mode. BTW, you still haven’t stepped up to the plate to tell me how you do the little mental exercise of voting for baby killers (abortion proponents) while claiming to care about children. Try though you may, nothing you say will let you get around that one.


      2. Shayn Roby Post author

        Would you prefer that I use CONTROL C and CONTROL V to prove you a liar, or would you care to acknowledge that your race baiting self told me you were a liberal? It’s up to you. We can do this either way.


      3. raisinemreal

        Do whatever you have to. Like I said, if I am wrong, I will admit it. I am not so full of myself that I won’t admit to my mistakes. Control C and Control V away. Whatever that means.


      4. raisinemreal

        And haven’t you learned yet that political parties over the years have changed their positions in solicitation of the majority vote? If you were smart, you would see that our political system is corrupt and broken. I see that individualism and free thinking is something that you lack. Blind leading the blind. When you say something to me original, I’ll give it serious consideration. Until then, this tea party propaganda is for the birds.


      5. Shayn Roby Post author

        I’ve learned that the Democrats would like to paint it that way. However, the votes of LBJ and Al Gore, Sr., along with the repeated selection of Klansmen Senator Byrd of West Va. on numerous committees speaks for itself. Leave your head in the sand if you like.


      6. Shayn Roby Post author

        Changed? You mean like when Klansman Byrd of West Virginia was selected to serve on countless committees of importance? Keep your head in the sand if you like.


      7. Shayn Roby Post author

        Yes they do occasionally change. I remember. LIke when the Democrats said that “God” was not part of their platform. Then they looked at some polls, and came back out at the DNC and said “God IS” a part of their platform. I don’t remember any conservatives flip-flopping on that one. Of course, it’s been a given that the party of no principle stands for nothing……except the immorality of abortion and homosexuality.


  2. raisinemreal

    My head is not in the sand dear. Democrats are doing today what a Lincoln led Republican party did during the civil war. Gain the vote of the majority. Political interests may appear to be the interest of the people but history has proven to us that it seldom is. This country was built on separation of church and state, but I see that is being used today for political gain as well. And I hear so much judgement of others from you. Wasn’t it your bible that said, “Judge not least ye be judged”? Or are you yourself guilty of flip flopping, picking and choosing from the good book as it fits your argument? I’ll take a moment to remind you that good book says, “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. -Romans 14:13” If you are attempting to be a vessel of God, you are failing at it miserably.


    1. Shayn Roby Post author

      Pointing out what God’s Word says is not judging someone. When people openly say what they are doing, and it runs contrary to His Word. It’s open defiance. Only those who are slow of mind (or willingly blind) are unable to see it. Yes, I guess I can find your comment where you said that you thought I only wanted to fight because you are a liberal. It appears it will be necessary. In typical liberal form, you won’t admit to being the race baiter until you are caught redhanded doing it. It’s so ironic. You began this post with saying, “I don’t typically throw out the race card.” In discussion, it didn’t take very long before your did that very thing. This country was NOT built on separation of church and state. You won’t find it in our Constitution. It was built on religious freedom. Almost everyone within that group seeking religious freedom was Christian. The First Amendment actually prohibits separation of church and state with the clause, “may not prevent the free exercise thereof.” Of course liberals always ignore that portion of the First amendment. Then mysteriously they claim ‘separation of church and state’ when it only says, “CONGRESS shall establish no state religion”. It’s not even close to the same thing. I’m not causing you stumble. You would do that no matter what I did. You can lead a horse to the water, but you can’t make them drink. It’s quite obvious that you’ve been thirsty for a long time.


      1. raisinemreal

        Let me quote myself for you since you will ignore the facts I’m sure, just as you accuse me of doing. You said, “Yes, I guess I can find your comment where you said that you thought I only wanted to fight because you are a liberal.” What I said was, “It sounds like you agree with me about American greed, but you still want to argue because you’ve labeled me a liberal. Admit it Shayn, we are coming closer to a compromise. I love your passion by the way. I don’t agree with it, but I love it.” Notice, I said “you’ve labeled me a liberal” Not I am a liberal. Now if you can’t get your facts straight about our past conversations, how can you expect me to believe you when you quote facts about our Nations’ past? Stop putting labels on me. I am not what you say or think I am. If you really got to know me, you’d love me. But your preconceived notions has your head too far up your ass to see past the bullshit. You can lead a horse to water Shayn, but I’m not drinking your kool aid.


      2. Shayn Roby Post author

        No kool-aid comes from this corner. I didn’t misrepresent what you said. I never called you a ‘liberal’ before your comment that I can recall. You’ve called me a hypocrite for criticizing proponents of abortion saying that I am ‘judging them’ when it’s clear that murder is a sin. You’ve labeled yourself a liberal by the positions that you support. If you don’t support abortion, you’ve certainly left that impression. I’m not sure I really care whether you believe me about facts from our nation’s past. Some people are beyond help until they are ready to cry out to the Lord because of their dire circumstances. Everything I have said about our nation’s history is absolutely true. Your use of foul language reveals who you really are. “You will judge a tree by its fruit”. The rotten fruit of the above paragraph tells me all I need to know about you. Your credibility was shot rather early in our ‘debate’. You resorted to calling me a Klansman. You did this after the opening paragraph of your article said you usually don’t like to play the race card. Actions speak much louder than words. It’s quite obvious that you are part of the ‘blame Whitey’ coalition of excuse makers for criminal activity. I would we billing to bet everything that I own that you said Trayvon Martin was murdered, even though forensic evidence showed that he was killed in self defense and half wit witness Rachel Jeantel said on the Piers Morgan Show that Trayvon didn’t go directly back home because she told Martin that George Zimmerman might be a ‘gay rapist’. I know that you mentioned nothing about the case. However, the fact that you compared me to a Klansman without knowing anything about me tells me that you are a race baiter. By the way, capitalize Bible. It’s God’s Holy Word. I noticed you don’t capitalize it. However, it’s not surprising. It goes along with almost everything else that you have told that you believe or don’t believe.


      3. raisinemreal

        You continue to misquote me and I find that quite offensive. I didn’t say “I don’t typically play the race card” I said, “I’m not one to be quick about throwing down the race card.” And I didn’t call you a Klansman, I said, “You sound like the Klan and dear ol Jim Crowe.” A far cry from saying you are one of those people, but more so that your comments reflect the opinions of those people during that time. And more proof that you are full of B.S…. I’ll quote you here, in case you don’t remember, “I would be willing to bet everything that I own that you said Trayvon Martin was murdered, even though forensic evidence showed that he was killed in self defense and half wit witness Rachel Jeantel said on the Piers Morgan Show that Trayvon didn’t go directly back home because she told Martin that George Zimmerman might be a ‘gay rapist’. I know that you mentioned nothing about the case.” Well, get ready to pay up Mr. ShaynRoby. I supported George Zimmerman. Caught a lot of flack for it too. Read it and weep. Oh, and I also addressed the stupidity of Miss Jeantel, in depth. Oh, and I showed some sympathy for innocent “whitey” that might have fallen victim to retaliation after the verdict reading here: For the love GOD…stop talking out of your ass and come with something original. It’s typical for people to start spouting B.S. when they clearly wrong, and angry about it. So I understand where you are coming from. By the way…since you were WILLING to bet EVERYTHING you own that I was clearly NOT on the side of the Zimmerman verdict that you thought I was, I would appreciate it if you would liquidate all of your assets first. I take cash, check, money orders, and pay pal. Thank you.


      4. Shayn Roby Post author

        I have NOT misquoted you. Your hands are just tied because defending the positions you advocate is like fighting with only one arm. You’ve already lost before you started.


      5. Shayn Roby Post author

        OK……so you said you’re NOT QUICK to be throwing down the race card. You’re reduced to mincing words now. You throw the race card down fairly quickly actually. So either way, you don’t tell the truth.


      6. Shayn Roby Post author

        The fact that you consider disrespect toward God’s Word as the equivalent of not using a term in the way you deem politically correct tells most people everything that they need to know about you.


      7. raisinemreal

        Rather than admit your inaccuracy, you’d rather defend your religion. Aversion of and to the truth. Oh, and that debate team in Hell that you mentioned, I can’t wait to compete against you there. Because if you really think this attitude is going to get you into heaven, you need more prayer than I do. I’ve become bored with you Shayn. Your relentless ignorance is indicative of the backwards culture you hail from. It’s obvious that people like you are the reason the South is still a joke, not to mention the fact that your mentality is dying a breed. The reason Conservatives are fighting so hard, is because they’re loosing. If everything you say and believe in is so right, you wouldn’t have to fight so hard to defend it. To think that you really believe that if God came back today, he’d be proud of all you’ve said in this conversation is insane. And so are you. So this is last comment I will post on this topic, because it really is becoming stagnant. Your ideas are recycled, not fresh, and eventually will die out. I don’t fear burning in hell, because the hell you imagine for me, is the hell you’re already living in. I wish I could say it’s been a pleasure, but you really make me sick.


      8. Shayn Roby Post author

        No……there was no inaccuracy. I didn’t even check to see if I misquoted you to be honest. Being that what you claimed to have said is virtually equivalent. I realized you were grasping at straws and not worth the trouble. You need serious help. You can get back to teaching your kids about how glorious it is to steal cars and shoot cops now with your Grand Theft Auto game now.


      9. raisinemreal

        Since you will not check my words, let me give you the word of God.

        Isaiah 65:5
        Who say, “Keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am too holy for you.” These are a smoke in my nostrils, a fire that burns all the day.

        Ezekiel 18:24
        But when a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and does injustice and does the same abominations that the wicked person does, shall he live? None of the righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered; for the treachery of which he is guilty and the sin he has committed, for them he shall die.

        We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.” For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, …

        James 3:11-18
        Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water. Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. …

        You boast Shayn Roby, rather than lead in the meekness of wisdom. You could have brought another soul to Christ in this opportunity of conversation, but instead you chose to damn me to hell. Epic Fail.


      1. raisinemreal

        I’m not a Democrat. You are assuming again. I never said that. Just as I never claimed to be a Liberal. Stop labeling me according to my opinions. I don’t and will never fit into your judgement of me. I think you’re pissed because you can’t put me in a group. I think it’s hilarious too.


      2. Shayn Roby Post author

        The opinions that you hold are way more important than what you consider yourself to be. If you don’t like it, perhaps you should take a closer look at whether or not your opinions are grounded in God’s Wisdom and Truth. You don’t get the luxury of telling everyone who you are and forcing them to believe it. Every person gets to look at what you say and do and figure it out for themselves. The opinions that you hold do label you as a liberal whether you like it or not. When I see those golden arches, I know that I’m eating at McDonald’s and not at Burger King. Unfortunately for you, the world is not Burger King. You don’t get to ‘have it your way’ just because you believe you should.


      3. Shayn Roby Post author

        Sometimes I don’t get to looking at comments right away. I have a life outside of blogging. If you really think I would hide from anything YOU have to say, you really do have an overinflated opinion of yourself.


      4. raisinemreal

        And yes, I used the term “YOUR BIBLE” because people who think like you, don’t have the same bible as the rest of us. It seems to be revised somehow. I’m hoping to get a copy of it one day so I can what the hype is all about.


    1. Shayn Roby Post author

      So, you said I SOUND like the Klan and Ole Jim Crow? Really? That’s SO MUCH better. Tell you what, you SOUND LIKE your intelligence quotient might be approaching the low eighties. I’m not saying that is your ACTUAL intelligence quotient, but you sure SOUND like it. See….TWO can play this game.


    2. Shayn Roby Post author

      By the way. I haven’t been boasting. I’m not sure where you get that. Pointing out your lack of discernment is not boasting. It’s not vicious. It’s merely verbalizing what is so easy for anyone who has the slightest amount of wisdom to see.


    3. Shayn Roby Post author

      By the way, I never ‘damned you to hell’. I merely suggested that you might enter a debate team there, being that you will probably be there anyway if you don’t follow Jesus. I would never wish the pains of hell or alienation from God on anyone.



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