Tag Archives: “Illegal Aliens”

‘What’s stopping her?’ Pelosi visits border, says she wants to take children ‘home with her’ [pics]

Shayn Roby’s Take: Nancy Pelosi rushed to the border so that she could talk to illegal aliens, more commonly known as “unregistered Democrats”.  Meanwhile, some of Pelosi’s favorite illegal aliens were storming the offices of Ed Royce and Darrell Issa.

Car Involved in Drive-by Shooting Sought by Santa Ana Police — Chip Yost Reports

Shayn Roby’s Take: It appears that the cold hard world of gang life has claimed another victim. Santa Ana remains to be an area plagued by gangs that originate South of the American / Mexican border, yet somehow flourish north of the border with illegal alien members flooding their ranks. Death due to this activity is ignored as an immigration problem, even though these individuals continue to go virtually unchecked for long periods of time engaging in extended crime sprees.

(H/T: Gangland)

Student Punished for Feeding a Homeless Child

Shayn Roby’s Take:  The editor of ShaynRoby.com applauds the actions of the child that got into trouble for helping another human being out with some food. However, the 800 pound gorilla in the room still must be dealt with. The seventeen year old was in the country illegally. It’s not RACIST to expect that our border security should be honored and respected. The student should not be punished by the school. However, the seventeen-year old homeless illegal alien should be sent back to his home country, along with all others who violate immigration law. We are a nation of laws. Those who want to be a part of it need to follow the laws and come here the right way. That’s not BACKWARD. That is protecting the sovereignty of our nation from those who would seek to make the United States into a Third World nation that resembles the one that they just came from.


1378492717797I am not one to be quick about throwing down the race card, because frankly I feel that it’s pulled out just a little too much these days.  But there are times when it’s just blatantly obvious and for that reason among many others I am putting Horry County Schools in South Carolina on BLAST.  One student has been suspended while another is being sought on criminal charges and why?  Because one child is homeless, also not a student; and the other spent his lunch break feeding him out of the same car that he was allowing him to live in.  The name of the good Samaritan student has been withheld, but I find it very discriminatory that the name of “criminal” in this case is Santos and has been smeared all through the media even though he is still a minor and no consent has been given.  It has…

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Liberal Zombies Sign Petition to Release Illegal Alien Rapists and Murderers from American Prisons

Mark Dice, a conservative political activist who manages to get liberal zombies to sign outrageous petitions has done it again.  In repeated displays of limited cranial function, mindless liberal zombies signed a petition to allow for the release of illegal aliens from prison, even if they had committed violent crimes such as armed robbery, rape, or murder.


“Help get the illegals out of prisons and jails, and support Obama.” Dice asked one man, handing him the petition to sign while out on the street in San Diego.

“Yeah why not.” the man replied without question.

Dice then pushed even further by stating, “They deserve a second chance. Murderers, burglars, rapists.”

Still the man continued to fill in his details in support of the proposition, stating “Yeah I hear what you’re saying.”

Read the entire story at InfoWars.com/


(H/T:  Steve Watson/ InfoWars.com)

Buck up, Baby…Illegal ‘Buckeyes’ Gets Top Spot

Shayn Roby’s Take: The United States must take care of its own babies. It must protect them and allow them to be born. By the same token, the sovereignty of the United States must be protected. That means amnesty must not occur. Those who are here illegally should be deported when it is discovered that they are undocumented, PERIOD.

Illegals – Democrats call ‘undocumented’ – are people here in the United States ILLEGALLY and is forcing every one of us to pony up the dough and look the other way. And for the record, all of my family were immigrants…and unless you are a Native American (and I’ve got a smidge of that, too), you are descendants of immigrants. And mine came here legally, without any entitlements or handouts.562035_10152192731525254_929532057_n

Aborting unborn Buckeye citizens is the path of least resistance in the immigration war?

As I sift through liberal garbage that is passed off as journalism, I find these bits and pieces of news blab and put the puzzle pieces together to form what is the actual BIG PICTURE, not the one they want us to see. Liberals want us to see teary-eyed ‘undocumented’ immigrants that insist (not need) on our help to force more tax strains on legal citizens…

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Ted Cruz: Immigration Bill Repeats Exact Same Pattern as 1986 Reform

There is no reason for Republicans to cave on immigration. A lower percentage of Hispanic voters voted for George H. W. Bush than voted for Reagan, even though President Reagan signed the amnesty bill in 1986. The most accurate synonym for “illegal alien” is “unregistered democrat”.


Head Fake – The New Senate ‘Border Control ‘ Amendment is A Total Fraud

FoxNewsInsider: As seen on America Live With Megyn Kelly

After fierce criticism that the immigration bill does nothing to secure the border before granting a path to citizenship for those who are in the U.S. illegally, key lawmakers are said to be close to a compromise that would double the current border patrol forces to 40,000 and complete 700 miles of security fencing.

In a news conference earlier today, Sen. Ted Cruz compared today’s deal to the reform enacted in 1986.

“What we saw in 1986, was the amnesty occurred and the border never got secured. And here we are three decades later and instead of 3 million people here illegally, there’s some 11 million people here illegally.”

He argued that the ‘Gang of 8’ bill “repeats the exact same pattern of 1986,” by promising

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Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs March on Kansas Home

It appears that not only does pro-illegal immigration group Sunflower Community Action think that is acceptable for people to break current United States immigration law, but think that is acceptable to stalk people, and then trespass on their private property as well.  A video posted online on U-Stream showed protesters standing outside the home of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach on Saturday chanting “Si se puede!” Members of the crowd then filed up to the porch and lined up  shoes.  The conduct should not be surprising.  People who break one law, continue to lack respect for others.   This film posted online should be used to track down and deport all individuals involved.  Anyone stupid enough to advertise that they are here illegally in a video such as this should have it used against them. They have violated the law by stalking Mr. Kobach and should be deported as illegal aliens for stalking, trespassing, and creating the aura of a threat by inciting a riot on private property.

(H/T:  Madeleine Morgenstern/The Blaze)